Pejzaż z dna oka

Zbigniew Rogalski
Pejzaż z dna oka

olej na płótnie, [2x] 175 x 175 cm

The gleam of the flash, flames lic­king at scraps of paper, a light at the end of a tunnel—the blin­ding effect returns obe­ssively, har­monizing with the remar­kable dip­tych represen­ting the ‘Eye Fundus Land­scape’ (2015). The view of dry bran­ches against the sky, refer­ring, in turn, to the ear­lier series titled ‘Death of a Par­tisan’ (‘Śmierć par­tyzanta’, 2005), trans­for­med into a diagnostic image of the eye, which manifests signs of ill­ness. Rogal­ski touches upon fun­damen­tal issues tied with the act of seeing and of creating a work of art, entering, at the same time, into the anatomy of the eye and its metaphysical proper­ties—a land­scape pain­ting of a crown of tree bran­ches against the sky is part of this idea.